

Five Inclusive Innovation policy asks for the new government

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Here’s how the new government can ensure innovation benefits people equitably across our society.

With the King’s Speech that opens Parliament rapidly approaching on July 17th, we’ve captured Inclusioneering’s key recommendations for Kier Starmer’s new government. Here are Inclusioneering’s five inclusive innovation policy asks for the new government:

1. Close diversity gaps in tech, engineering and manufacturing to ensure equitable outcomes of innovation.

Our tech and industrial workforces are driving transformative change that impacts everyone across society.  Yet these workforces have significant underrepresentation of women, ethnic minorities, disabled people, neurodiverse people, the LGBTQ+ community, and people from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.  Adding to the issue, these gaps are even more acute at senior levels and leadership of organisations. We must close these diversity gaps to ensure equitable outcomes for all.

2. Mandate pay gap reporting

The focus brought by data to drive action is unparalleled to create equitable workplaces.  While the pay gap measure itself may be a blunt instrument, the process an organisation must go through to build trust, understand the data, and commit to meaningful action is immensely powerful. Labour has promised in their manifesto to break down barriers to opportunity. That includes introducing stronger workers rights, enhanced equality protections, and to introduce mandatory pay gap reporting for ethnicity and disability.  We support this pledge and are keen to see this put into action as a priority.

3. Commit to a green industrial strategy that ensures a just transition.

Clear industrial strategy is needed, that drives innovation and growth towards net zero, AND ALSO ensures a just transition for the affected workforces and communities as we undergo this significant technological, process, and business change.

4. Introduce AI regulation to foster fair, safe and trustworthy AI.

With the EU AI Act recently published, the global stage has been set for AI regulation.  The Post Office Horizon scandal has highlighted the high stakes of technology deployment.  To position the UK as a leader in AI governance, while fostering innovation, regulation is needed that ensures fair, safe, and trustworthy development of AI. 

5. Reform digital education to provide practical and relevant skills development for all.

Digital technology underpins every sector, but computing education is dropped by most teenagers by age 14 in the UK. A staggering 94% of girls drop computing as soon as they are allowed to. We support the BCS policy ask that every child deserves a computing and digital literacy qualification. It must be practical and feel relevant to be attractive and useful for everyone.

In summary

With the rapid explosion in artificial intelligence, digital and industrial transformation, these advancements are poised to transform society. Technological progress cannot be separated from its social impacts, and the government must take responsibility to ensure benefits are felt equitably.

By adopting these five inclusive innovation policy asks for the new government, Kier Starmer will be laying a foundation for growth and innovation that benefits people across society.

What are your hopes for this King’s Speech?

Contact us for a free 20-minute consultation on any topics these questions raise for your organisation.

Related content

Watch Inclusioneering founder, Jo Stansfield, speak at the BCS, Chartered Institute for IT April Policy Jam: Tech priorities for the future government.

Ethnicity Pay Gap Day 2024

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8th January 2024 is Ethnicity Pay Gap Day. It’s a campaign calling for mandatory pay gap reporting and pay parity across ethnic groups.

The Pay Gap is the percentage difference in the average pay between group. The ethnicity pay gap compares ethnic minority communities to White British people. In the UK, government data shows that most minority ethnic groups earn less. Most notably people of Pakistani heritage earn 16% less, Bangladeshi people 15% less, and Black African people 8% less.

The pay gap can arise because of unfair pay, and also because fewer people from ethnic minority communities hold roles that attract premium pay. This plays out in our workplaces and across our economy.

Data can shine a light on inequality, and let us see the systemic disparity that exists in our society. I have found data to be an incredible way to unlock attitudes and open people’s minds. Then together with people’s stories of lived experience the case for change becomes clear.

You can only manage what you measure. Ethnicity pay gap reporting gives a basis for organisations to examine representation of ethnic minorities across their roles and levels of seniority.

Today we call on all organisations to live up to their values, show transparency and take accountability for change.

Organisations may be reticent to report their ethnicity pay gap for a variety of reasons.  As someone who leads ethnicity data collection ethnicity, analysis and pay gap reporting, I can give my assurances that the challenges that may be concerning you can be overcome. If you would like to know more, please use the contact page to get in touch, or find me on LinkedIn.

Let’s start measuring, reporting, and taking action to close the ethnicity pay gap.

2023 Year in Review

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Wow, what a year!

😶 I quit my job as Director of People Data and Insights at AVEVA
😅 … to run Inclusioneering Limited full time
✅ I joined the trustee board of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
✅…and the board of directors of ForHumanity, an AI ethics and audit charity
😍 I had the pleasure to work with amazing clients who continually inspire me:
TransFIRe HubMaterials Made Smarter Centre, LucideonVBuddies – Metaverse Tech LtdScott Bradbury, EIT Food
🤝 … on projects spanning strategy development, surveysresearch and data analysis, leading the Foundation Industry EDI working group, learning and development, and digital privacy, safety and equality
🏫 and with top universities including Durham, Leeds, Nottingham, Cambridge, and Sheffield
🎤 30 Public speaking engagements
👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Expanded my network of outstanding associates who co-deliver Inclusioneering’s work
📃 Inclusioneering Limited was shortlisted for the StartUp Awards Social Enterprise of the Year
🏅 And winner of SME News Corporate Inclusion Consultancy of the Year
🤩 I met one of my heroes, Dame Stephanie Shirley, for afternoon tea at the Savoy (still in shock this happened! 👀)
💎 And continued to work with another, Professor Sue Black OBE ❤️
👏 Judge for the Most Influentual Woman in UK Tech award
⭐ 4 visits to the Houses of Parliament, on tech, diversity and Ethnicity Pay Gap topics, and joined 1 government roundtable on AI

I owe thanks to very many people for enabling all of this to happen.

That’s the highlights reel. The reality is of course far more mixed, and I want to balance the showcase with some of the challenges that have accompanied it, because life is complex and that needs to be seen too.
⬛ Discovering the rollercoaster of running your own company full time, during a downturn in demand for diversity, equity and inclusion projects
⬛ Cutting my income by over 50%, plus no more pension or benefits
⬛ Multiple family health challenges, many still ongoing
⬛ Subsidence causing progressive damage to my home, 18+ months into an insurance claim with no resolution or end in sight
⬛ The challenge to maintain my own wellbeing from what can be emotionally intensive work, plus all the other stuff above

On balance, it’s all been worth it, and looking forwards to 2024