We know women and people from racial minorities are underrepresented in the technology industry.  Even amongst those who join, their progression and retention doesn’t match up to that of their white male colleagues.

Yet Agile methodologies appear to match many best practices for building inclusion. So, why then, does tech have such a pipeline problem? 

In this webinar, recorded at the Women Who Code Connect Reimage Conference, Jo shares her research of diversity in tech teams, and practical steps we can all take to build greater inclusion and equality.

Watch now to:

  • Gain new insights from research about gender and race in tech teams
  • For individuals: Learn how you can gain more traction in your career
  • For allies, teams and organisations: Learn how to support progression and retention of people from underserved groups in your tech teams
Jo Stansfield

Author Jo Stansfield

Inclusive Innovation | DEI Strategist | Business Psychology | Data Maestro Specialising in the human dimensions of technology, Jo Stansfield, an engineer-turned-business-psychologist, empowers businesses to drive responsible and inclusive innovation, fostering fair and equitable outcomes across their products, operations, and services. From startups to multinational corporations, Jo leverages a blend of quantitative and qualitative insights to catalyse impactful change, equipping leaders with the tools and strategies needed for transformative innovation that drives sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

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