Ethnicity Pay Gap Day 2024

By January 8, 2024Uncategorized

8th January 2024 is Ethnicity Pay Gap Day. It’s a campaign calling for mandatory pay gap reporting and pay parity across ethnic groups.

The Pay Gap is the percentage difference in the average pay between group. The ethnicity pay gap compares ethnic minority communities to White British people. In the UK, government data shows that most minority ethnic groups earn less. Most notably people of Pakistani heritage earn 16% less, Bangladeshi people 15% less, and Black African people 8% less.

The pay gap can arise because of unfair pay, and also because fewer people from ethnic minority communities hold roles that attract premium pay. This plays out in our workplaces and across our economy.

Data can shine a light on inequality, and let us see the systemic disparity that exists in our society. I have found data to be an incredible way to unlock attitudes and open people’s minds. Then together with people’s stories of lived experience the case for change becomes clear.

You can only manage what you measure. Ethnicity pay gap reporting gives a basis for organisations to examine representation of ethnic minorities across their roles and levels of seniority.

Today we call on all organisations to live up to their values, show transparency and take accountability for change.

Organisations may be reticent to report their ethnicity pay gap for a variety of reasons.  As someone who leads ethnicity data collection ethnicity, analysis and pay gap reporting, I can give my assurances that the challenges that may be concerning you can be overcome. If you would like to know more, please use the contact page to get in touch, or find me on LinkedIn.

Let’s start measuring, reporting, and taking action to close the ethnicity pay gap.

Jo Stansfield

Author Jo Stansfield

Inclusive Innovation | DEI Strategist | Business Psychology | Data Maestro Specialising in the human dimensions of technology, Jo Stansfield, an engineer-turned-business-psychologist, empowers businesses to drive responsible and inclusive innovation, fostering fair and equitable outcomes across their products, operations, and services. From startups to multinational corporations, Jo leverages a blend of quantitative and qualitative insights to catalyse impactful change, equipping leaders with the tools and strategies needed for transformative innovation that drives sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

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